
Data for the Public

The CCR gathers information on cancer incidence and mortality. Information collected includes type of cancer, stage at diagnosis, treatments received, patient demographics, and other prognostic factors. This information can be used to describe cancer trends in the state, identify disparities, inform policy decisions and public awareness campaigns, and advise cancer control efforts.

As a cancer registry, CCR is required by law to provide information about the status of cancer in California and to respond to inquiries from the general public. CCR conducts research and collaborates with other researchers on special cancer research projects concerning the etiology, treatment, risk factors, and prevention of specific cancers.


CCR provides the following resources for the public:

  • Reports: Reports on special topics related to cancer in California and annual surveillance reports
  • Cancer Fact Sheets: Information on select cancer sites
  • Publications: List of scientific publications using CCR data

The above can be found in the CCR Library



Cancer data for some regions and counties are published independently by regional registries. To obtain copies of these reports, please contact the appropriate registry.
