Reporting by Pathologists
Research outcomes and future advancements in cancer treatment depend on the quality of the data provided to cancer registries. As a pathologist, the information you provide to CCR is of critical importance because it raises the level of diagnostic accuracy. Your participation in reporting ensures the data received by CCR is highly reliable and accurate.

Electronic reporting can further drive the standardization of cancer reporting and can also increase the efficiency and timeliness of reporting. In accordance with California Assembly Bill 2325, all pathologists will be required to report cancer diagnoses electronically before January 1, 2019.
CCR is here to provide you with the most up-to-date tools and information available about reporting to enable you to report cancer information as easily as possible. In this section, you will find guidance on CCR reporting requirements for pathologists, including information about which types of cancers need to be reported, how, and where to report cancer data.

To find out how to contact a regional registry, please visit our Contact a Regional Registry page.
Reporting News
All pathologists are required to report cancer diagnoses electronically before January 1, 2019.
Learn more about implementing AB 2325, register to report, upload data, or use our self-testing portal.*
*Self-validation is used to test HL7 message structure. It does not validate content.