Appendix Z.1: CER Data Dictionary

The collection of data items for the Comparative Effectiveness Research Project (CER) are optional except for Region 3 reporting facilities.  The CCR Data Collection Unit will be obtaining these data items in cooperation with Region 3 reporting facilities.  The CER Project is a one year project.  Data collection is for breast, colorectal, and  chronic myelogenous leukemia cases diagnosed January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.  The CER Data Dictionary includes the data item codes and coding instructions.  

Click here to open Appendix Z.1, the CER Data Dictionary.



The California Cancer Registry is one of 13 state registries selected for participation in the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Project, "Enhancing Cancer Registry Data Systems for Comparative Effectiveness Research."  This project is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for Patient Centered Health Research (also called Comparative Effectiveness Research).  

The purpose of this project is to establish Specialized Cancer Registries by enhancing data collected through a subset for comparative effectiveness research (CER) The goal is to develop sustainable methods to enhance cancer registry data.  Outcomes will include a dataset to be used for CER and other research.



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