III.2.13.3 Occupation and Industry - Children

Occupation and Industry specific information is required to be entered in the abstract for children as well as adults.  Follow the instructions below for Occupation and Industry if the patient is under 18 years of age.


Coding Instructions:
    1. Patient is 10 years old. Father is a field engineer with an oil company. Mother is an artist (NOS). Complete the Occupational and Industry fields as follows:

Occupation: Child—FA: field engineer MO: artist

Industry:  FA: oil industry

    1. Patient is 14 years old. Father's occupation is not recorded. Mother is a biology professor at a university. Complete the Occupational and Industry fields as follows:

Occupation: Child - MO: biology professor

Industry: MO: University


Please refer to http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2011-173/



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