III.3.5 Class of Case

Class of Case is divided into two basic categories: Analytic and Nonanalytic.


The patient comes in for a consult only (class 30) and subsequently all or part of first course of treatment is given at your facility. The date of first contact is updated to the date when the case became analytic.

For specific reportability requirements, see Reporting.  

A facility's Cancer Committee may also direct reporting of nonanalytic cases. Nonanalytic cases are not required to be abstracted by the CoC and are not included in treatment and survival analyses.




Analytic Classes of Case

Initial Diagnosis at Reporting Facility


Initial diagnosis at the reporting facility AND all treatment or a decision not to treat was done elsewhere

Note: Beginning in 2010, Class of Case 00 includes cases diagnosed by the facility that are treated in staff or non-staff physician' offices, as well as cases when it is known that the patient went elsewhere for treatment. Facility Referred To MUST be documented.

Note: Use Class of Case 10 if there is no information about whether or where the patient was treated.

Note: Use Class of Case 14 if the patient received no treatment, either because the patient refused recommended treatment or a decision was made not to treat.


  • Patient was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil by biopsy at reporting facility; underwent surgical resection at another facility.


Initial diagnosis at the reporting facility or in an office of a physician with admitting privileges AND part or all of first course treatment or a decision not to treat was at the reporting facility, NOS

Note: Use Class of Case 10 if there is no information about whether or where the patient was treated.


  • Homeless patient is diagnosed by biopsy at reporting facility; facility was unable to discover whether the patient actually received any treatment elsewhere.


Initial diagnosis in an office of a physician with admitting privileges AND part of first course treatment was done at the reporting facility


  • Patient was diagnosed by a physician with admitting privileges, received neoadjuvant radiation at another facility, and underwent surgical resection at the reporting facility.


Initial diagnosis in an office of a physician with admitting privileges AND all first course treatment or a decision not to treat was done at the reporting facility.


Initial diagnosis and part of the first course treatment was done at the reporting facility AND part of first course treatment was done elsewhere


  • Breast cancer was diagnosed and treated with surgery at the reporting facility. Radiation was given at the facility across the street with which the reporting facility has an agreement.


Initial diagnosis at the reporting facility AND all first course treatment or a decision not to treat was done at the reporting facility

Note: Use Class of Case 14 if the patient received no treatment, either because the patient refused recommended treatment or a decision was made not to treat.

Initial Diagnosis Elsewhere, Facility Involved in First Course Therapy


Initial diagnosis elsewhere AND part or all of first course treatment was done at the reporting facility, NOS


Initial diagnosis elsewhere AND part of first course treatment was done at the reporting facility; part of the first course treatment was done elsewhere


  • Definitive or repeat biopsy following initial FNA or biopsy performed elsewhere


Initial diagnosis elsewhere AND all first course treatment or a decision not to treat was done at the reporting facility

Non-Analytic Classes of Case

Patient Appears in Person at Reporting Facility; Both Initial Diagnosis and Treatment Elsewhere


Initial diagnosis and all first course treatment elsewhere AND reporting facility participated in diagnostic workup


  • Consult Only

  • Treatment planning only

  • Staging workup after initial diagnosis elsewhere


Initial diagnosis and all first course treatment provided elsewhere AND reporting facility provided in-transit care or facility provided care that facilitated treatment elsewhere


  • Patient receiving transient care to avoid interrupting therapy initiated elsewhere (equipment failure at the reporting facility or while vacationing)


Diagnosis AND all first course treatment provided elsewhere AND patient presents at reporting facility with disease recurrence or persistence


  • Patient with active disease admitted for other medical condition(s)

  • Patient expires in the ER with lung metastases

  • After treatment failure, patient is admitted for supportive care.


Diagnosis AND all first course treatment provided elsewhere AND patient presents at reporting facility with disease history only


  • A patient admitted that does not have active disease

Note:  Not required to be reported to the CCR.


Type of case not required by CoC to be accessioned AND initial diagnosis AND part or all of first course treatment by reporting facility

Cases required to be reported and followed by the CCR in this category include:

    • Benign and borderline intracranial/CNS tumors diagnosed 1/1/2001 - 12/31/2003 only

Note: For cases diagnosed on or after 1/1/04 when these diagnoses became nationally reportable, use Class of Case codes 00-22.  

    • Intraepithelial neoplasia grade III tumors as follows:

      • Anus (AIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/2001 forward

      • Vagina (VAIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/1992 forward

      • Vulva (VIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/1992 forward

    • Borderline ovarian tumors diagnosed 1/1/2001 through 12/31/2015

Note: Effective 1/1/2010, active follow-up is no longer required for borderline ovarian cases diagnosed 1/1/2001 forward.


Cases diagnosed before program’s Reference Date AND initial diagnosis AND part or all of first course treatment by reporting facility

Note:  Reportable to the CCR for cases diagnosed on or after 1/1/1988, or the regional registry reference date if earlier. See Reporting for additional instructions.



Type of case not required by CoC to be accessioned AND initial diagnosis elsewhere AND part or all of first course treatment by reporting facility

Cases required to be reported and followed by the CCR in this category include:

    • Benign and borderline intracranial/CNS tumors diagnosed 1/1/2001 - 12/31/2003 only

Note: For cases diagnosed on or after 1/1/04 when these diagnoses became nationally reportable, use Class of Case codes 00-22.  

    • Intraepithelial neoplasia grade III tumors as follows:

      • Anus (AIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/2001 forward

      • Vagina (VAIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/1992 forward

      • Vulva (VIN III) cases, diagnosed 1/1/1992 forward

    • Borderline ovarian tumors diagnosed 1/1/2001 through 12/31/2015

Note: Effective 1/1/2010, active follow-up is no longer required for borderline ovarian cases diagnosed 1/1/2001 forward.


Cases diagnosed before program’s Reference Date AND initial diagnosis elsewhere AND part or all of first course treatment by reporting facility

Note: Reportable to the CCR for cases diagnosed on or after 1/1/1988, or the regional registry reference date if earlier. See Reporting for additional instructions..


Initial diagnosis established by autopsy at the reporting facility, cancer not suspected prior to death

Note:  If the patient is suspected to have a malignancy, confirmed at autopsy, code to Class of Case 14.

Patient Does Not Appear in Person at Reporting Facility


Diagnosis AND all first course treatment given at the same staff physician’s* office


Diagnosis AND all first course treatment given in two or more different offices of physicians with admitting privileges.


Nonstaff physician, clinic or other facility, not part of reporting facility, accessioned by reporting facility for diagnosis and/or treatment by that entity


  • Reporting facility abstracts cases from an independent radiation facility


Pathology or other lab specimens only

Note: If a pathology specimen is submitted by a physician’s office to be read at the reporting facility, notification to the regional registry is required

Class 43 is to be Used by CCR/ Regional registries only


Death certificate only - Class 49 is to be Used by CCR/ Regional registries only

Unknown Relationship to Reporting Facility


Nonanalytic case of unknown relationship to facility

* A staff physician is a physician who is employed by the reporting facility, under contract with it, or a physician who has routine practice privileges there.

For further information, please see the current FORDS Manual.



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