VI.2.1 Surgery of the Primary Site

This field refers to surgical procedures that are performed on the Primary Site. See Appendix Q.1 or Q.2 for Site-Specific Surgery Codes.

Generally, cancer-directed surgery includes most procedures that involve removal of a structure (those with the suffix "ectomy") and such procedures as:


Coding Instructions:


Patient undergoes a modified radical mastectomy. The breast and auxiliary contents are removed in one piece (en bloc). Surgery would be coded 50 for modified radical mastectomy regardless of whether nodes were found by pathology in the specimen.



NOTE: The CCR follows SEER guidelines and requires coding incisional biopsies without residual at re-excision to be coded as an excisional biopsy only in the Surgery of Primary Site data field. COC Facilities: Please make note in your user defined fields when standards between CoC and CCR differ.




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