VI.1 First Course of Treatment - Definitions and Guidelines

First course treatment is all treatments administered to the patient after the original diagnosis of cancer in an attempt to destroy or modify the cancer tissue.


IMPORTANT NOTE: This section applies to all neoplasms (including benign and borderline intracranial and CNS tumors) except hematopoietic and neoplasms. Refer to the most current Hematopoietic & Lymphoid Neoplasm Coding Manual for information on coding first course treatment for these cases.


Record all cancer directed therapeutic procedures (surgery, radiation, systemic, or other therapy) administered at any facility, whether in a primary or metastatic site, whatever the mode of treatment, and regardless of the sequence and degree of completion of any component part.


Coding Instructions:

These instructions are in hierarchical order:

  1. Use the documented first course of therapy (treatment plan) from the medical record. First course of therapy ends when the treatment is completed (no matter how long it takes to complete the plan).

  2. First course ends when there is documentation of disease progression, recurrence, or treatment failure.

  3. When there is no documentation of a treatment plan or progression, recurrence or a treatment failure, first course therapy ends one year after the date of diagnosis.  Any treatment given after one year is second course therapy in the absence of a documented treatment plan or a standard of treatment.

  4. A patient refuses all treatment modalities and does not change his/her mind within a reasonable time frame, or if the physician opts not to treat the patient, record that there was no treatment in the first course.

Note: If treatment is given for symptoms/disease progression after a period of "watchful waiting," this treatment is not considered part of first course.

Example: A physician and patient choose a "wait and watch" approach to prostate and the patient becomes symptomatic, consider the symptoms to be an indication that the disease has progressed and that any further treatment is not part of first course.  

CCR Expectations:

Example: Enter "Radiation therapy, recommended; unknown if given."  



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