VI.8 First Course of Treatment - Other Therapy

Record the definitive cancer-directed treatment that cannot be assigned to any other category. Information on other therapy is used to describe and evaluate the quality of care and treatment practices.


Coding Instructions:

NOTE: Do not code pre-operative embolization of hypervascular tumors with agents such as particles, coils, or alcohol as treatment.  These pre-surgical treatments are typically performed to prevent excess bleeding during the resection of the primary tumor.

NOTE: In order to report the hematopoietic cases in which a patient received supportive care, SEER and the Commission on Cancer have agreed to record treatments such as phlebotomy, transfusion, or aspirin as “Other Treatment” (Code 1) for certain hematopoietic diseases only.

NOTE: Do not collect blood transfusions (whole blood, platelets, etc.) as treatment for any of these diseases. Blood transfusions are used widely to treat anemia and it is not possible to collect this procedure in a meaningful way. This applies to cases diagnosed January 1, 2012 and forward only.




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