V.3.4.1 In Situ Coding

The term "in situ" means a tumor that meets all microscopic criteria for malignancy, except invasion of basement membrane. For further discussion of "in situ", see Terms Indicating In Situ.

"In situ" behavior can be determined only by pathologic examination and not by clinical evidence alone. If a tumor is classifiable as "in situ" according to the time period rules for stage at diagnosis see Staging - Time Period, code the tumor as "in situ". In other words, a behavior code of 2, "in situ", corresponds to a stage code of 0, "in situ" and vice versa. Computer and visual edits will verify that the codes in these two fields correspond. Do not interpret terms like "approaching in situ" or "very close to in situ" as "in situ".


Reportable terms indicating "in situ" behavior include:


* Effective with cases diagnosed 01/01/1992 and later.

** Effective with cases diagnosed 01/01/2001 and later.

***Cases diagnosed 01/01/2004 and later.

****Cases diagnosed 01/01/2014 and later.

*****Cases diagnosed 01/01/2016 and later.

All other terms have been reportable since the region’s reference date.

Not Reportable (Reminder)

As a reminder, carcinoma "in situ" (including squamous cell and adenocarcinoma) of the cervix and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, CIN III, are not reportable effective with cases diagnosed January 1, 1996 and later.

Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN III), morphology code 8148/2 is also not reportable to the CCR.



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