V.3 ICD-O Morphology - Histology, Behavior, and Differentiation

The morphology code indicates the type of cell that has become neoplastic (histology), its biologic activity (behavior), and the tumor grade or differentiation.


The implementation of the new ICD-O-3 histology codes will not be implemented until 2018. Please continue to use the Histology Code Crosswalk for 2017.

2015 ICD-O-3 histology coding changes: There were histology coding changes being implemented for 2015.  Many of the new codes could not be used for 2015 diagnoses because they were not included among the acceptable histologies for the Collaborative Stage algorithms. For the New ICD-O-3 Histology Code Crosswalk for 2015 through 2017, please see Volume I - Attachment A.






Coding Instructions:

Note: Although ICD-O-3 is referenced in coding site and histology throughout this document, unless otherwise noted, these statements also apply to ICD-O-2 coding.



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