V.4.3 Lymph-Vascular Invasion

Lymph-vascular invasion identifies the presence or absence of tumor cells within blood vessels, lymphatic channels (not lymph nodes) or surrounding tissue within the primary tumor as noted microscopically by the pathologist.  Lymph-vascular invasion is an indicator of prognosis.


Coding Instructions:


LVI on pathology report PRIOR to neoadjuvant therapy

LVI on pathology report AFTER neoadjuvant therapy

Code LVI to:

0 - Not present/Not identified

0 - Not present/Not identified

0 - Not present/Not identified

0 - Not present/Not identified

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

0 - Not present/Not identified

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

1 - Present/Identified

0 - Not present/Not identified

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

1 - Present/Identified

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

0 - Not present/Not identified

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

1 - Present/Identified

1 - Present/Identified

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate

9 - Unknown/Indeterminate







Lymph-vascular invasion not present (absent)/Not identified.


Lymph-vascular invasion present/identified.


Not Applicable.


Unknown if lymph-vascular invasion present. Indeterminate.



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