III.3.13 Secondary Diagnosis 1 - 10

Secondary Diagnosis data fields 1-10 are designed to capture the patient’s preexisting or secondary diagnosis, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the admission to the reporting facility for the treatment of cancer using ICD-10-CM codes.  These factors may affect treatment decisions and influence outcomes.

These data fields were developed to capture ICD-10-CM, which can be up to 7 characters in length and have a different structure than ICD-9-CM.   


NOTE: ICD-10-CM was implemented October 1, 2015.


Coding Instructions:

EXAMPLE: If diabetes is mentioned in the medical record and it is not coded in the medical record do not attempt to code the condition in ICD-10-CM or fill in these fields.

Note: For ICD-10-CM codes there is an assumed decimal between the third and fourth characters.



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