III.3.14 Comorbidities and Complications

Comorbidities and Complications data fields 1-10 are designated to capture the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's admission to the reporting facility for the treatment of the cancer using ICD-9-CM codes. These factors may affect treatment decisions and influence outcomes.


NOTE: ICD-10-CM was implemented October 1, 2015.


Coding Instructions:

EXAMPLE: If diabetes is mentioned in the medical record and it is not coded in the medical record do not attempt to code the condition in ICD-10-CM or fill in these fields.

Note: For comorbid conditions (ICD-9-CM codes 00100-13980 and 24000-99990), there is an assumed decimal point between the third and fourth characters. For complications (ICD-9-CM codes E8700-E8799 and E9300-E9499), there is an assumed decimal point between the fourth and fifth characters. For conditions influencing health status and contact with health services (ICD-9-CM codes V0720-V0739, V1000-V1590, V2220- V2310, V2540, V4400-V4589, and V5041-V5049), there is an assumed decimal point between the third and fourth characters. For ICD-10-CM codes there is an assumed decimal between the third and fourth characters.



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