V.4.2.6 Mets at Diagnosis – Other

The Mets at Diagnosis – Other data item captures any type of distant involvement not captured in the bone, brain, liver, lung, and distant lymph node fields where metastasis has occurred at the time of diagnosis.


Coding Instructions:

NOTE: Do not code this field for bone, brain, liver, lung, or distant lymph node metastasis.

Examples: Include but are not limited to – adrenal gland, bone marrow, pleura, malignant pleural effusion, peritoneum, and skin.

NOTE: Lymphomas or lymphoma/leukemias where primary site is C421 are NOT coded in this field.

NOTE: It is possible to have metastatic disease to a specific organ AND also have carcinomatosis. Be sure to code the specific site as well as the carcinomatosis.


ICD-O-3 Site

ICD-O-3 Histology



9740-9809, 9840-9992

Mast cell, histiocytosis, immunoproliferative, leukemias

C000-C440, C442-C689, C691-C694, C698-C809

9820, 9826, 9831-9834, 9731, 9732, 9734

Other hematopietic neoplasm coded to any site except eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, orbit, and eye overlapping and NOS







None; no other metastasis


Yes, distant metastasis in known site(s), other than bone, brain, liver, lung or distant lymph nodes

Note: Includes bone marrow involvement for lymphoma


Generalized metastasis such as carcinomatosis


Not Applicable


Unknown whether any other metastatic site or generalized metastasis

Not documented in patient record



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