V.5.5.1 SEER - Summary Stage - Special Situations

Listed below are special conditions that may occur and must be taken into account when coding Summary Stage.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  The SEER Summary Staging Manual and Online Versions DO NOT include:



Example: “final diagnosis of carcinoma in situ with focus of microinvasion on the lateral margin”.


Example: Pathology reports states “Right breast with widespread multifocal metastases throughout breast parenchyma”. Provided disease is confined to the breast (see list of tissue involved in Summary Stage Manual) this tumor description would be coded as “Localized”.



Example: Melanoma of right forearm with satellite nodule 1.2 cm lateral to primary lesion; this description would be Summary stage Code 2 Regional by direct extension, provided there is no lymph node involvement.



Pediatric Staging:



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