V.6 AJCC TNM Staging

AJCC TNM staging is based on the clinical, operative and pathologic assessment of the anatomic extent of disease. T, N, & M indicates primary tumor growth (T), spread to regional lymph nodes (N) and metastasis (M). The T, N and M are referred to as “categories”. The categories are then assigned to an anatomic/prognostic Stage Group.

As the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual explains, the TNM system "is based on the premise that cancers of similar histology or site of origin share similar patterns of growth and extension. The size of the untreated cancer or tumor (T) increases progressively and at some point in time regional lymph node involvement (N) and finally, distant metastases (M) occur."

Coding Guidelines:
TNM Categories:

*Note: Increasing number values indicate greater extent of disease


TNM Indicators/Prefixes:

Example: pTIS can be coded in clinical T data field

Example: cM0 can be coded in pathologic M data field